Sunday, September 25, 2011

Speed Up Your Low-Powered PC or Netbook by Overclocking [How To]


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via Lifehacker by Whitson Gordon on 9/20/11

Netbooks run basically the same OS as your desktop PC, but their portability and low cost mean that they're made to run a bit slower. By overclocking you can push it just over the speed bump to where it's a bit more usable. Here's how to overclock your Atom-based PC or netbook. More »


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Hardware Freak Is a Fast, Light System Information Utility [Windows Downloads]


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via Lifehacker by Alan Henry on 9/21/11

Windows: If our recent guides to building your own computer and the parts you'll need to do so have you interested in upgrading your PC, Hardware Freak is a free, portable system information tool that will show you the hardware inside your case with a single click. More »


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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Ignore Tracks You've Recently Skipped in iTunes [ITunes Tip]


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via Lifehacker by Whitson Gordon on 8/31/11

Chances are, most of you don't actively rate every song in your library, but you probably do skip tracks you don't like as much. If you'd rather not sync those "disliked" songs to your iPod, iTunes has a feature that lets you ignore them. More »


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ParkBud - A Hand-Sculpted Luxury Parking App for your iPhone & Car!

Use iTunes Feature To Get Rid Of Awful Music You Shouldn't Have Downloaded


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via The Consumerist by Phil Villarreal on 9/2/11

When you're listening to your music collection, it's easy to get annoyed with yourself for stuffing so many terrible songs that you once liked for some inexplicable reason. Apple knows you all too well, and has provided a feature that helps you shed the chaff.

Macworld points out how accessing Last Skipped can improve your musical life. Here are the steps:

*Click on the iTunes header and choose Last Skipped. You'll see a list of skipped songs along with timestamps of the last time you skipped them.

*Right click on the skipped song, then click on Skips to get the number of times you've skipped it.

*You can use the info to create a Smart Playlist and set the condition that songs that have been skipped a certain number of times won't make the cut.

The point of iTunes' Skip feature [Macworld via Lifehacker]


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