Monday, June 28, 2010

Five Best To-Do List Managers [To Do List]


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via Gizmodo by Kat Hannaford on 6/28/10

The humble to-do list hasn't changed much over the years, but the methods we use to manage it have. Here's a look at five of the most popular tools for helping you manage your to-do list. [Lifehacker] More »

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9 easy tips for improving your vacation photos


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via Tips on 6/28/10

Every sunset, no matter how beautiful, can end up looking the same and telling little about the location or context. By including people, or relavent landmarks in the photo, you make a more memorable image. It's frustrating to go on trips only to return with lackluster pictures, yet there are easy ways to improve the odds that at least one shot among your next batch will earn a place in a frame.

DOS - x86 - Operating Systems - Programming - Languages


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Card Access

Friday, June 25, 2010

Google Docs Now Does OCR for Images & PDFs (Sort Of)


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via ReadWriteWeb by Chris Cameron on 6/21/10

OCR (optical character recognition) fans that are frustrated with the current offering of online services may be pleased to learn that Google Docs will now grab text from images and PDFs quickly and cost free. According to the blog Google Operating System, the new feature has quietly been pushed live by Google after several months of experimentation and development, but will it replace commercial software or online solutions?


When uploading files to their account, Docs users will now see an option to run an OCR scan, which will extract characters and place them within a new text document. As far as accuracy goes, PDFs fair much better than images, especially basic black text on a white background.


I uploaded a picture of my business card and Google Docs had trouble recognizing the largest text and clearest text on the card, but surprisingly did better with smaller text. A test of a PDF document turned up nearly perfect recognition results, but Google Docs strips nearly all of the formatting out, spewing out the text in a stream of letters and spaces. Other examples from Google Operating System produced decent results, but far from perfect or useful.

Additionally, when scanning a PDF, Google Docs does not save a copy of the PDF, so scanning to text and saving an original file requires two separate uploads. This feature is great for casual OCR users that want to quickly grab text from PDFs and some images or business cards. Those who rely on OCR heavily will likely be disappointed with the features and may have better results with commercial solutions.



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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Repurpose an Old Router as a Network Switch [Repurposing]


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via Lifehacker by Erica Ho on 6/23/10

We've covered how to repurpose your old router as a range-boosting repeater or a wireless bridge, but if you just need a few extra wired ports for devices your current router can't accommodate, consider repurposing your old router as a network switch. More »

Wireless - Data Communications - Technology - Wi-Fi - IEEE 802.11n-2009


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Break Your Cycle of Stress with Guilt-Free Vacations [Stress]


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via Lifehacker by Whitson Gordon on 6/23/10

While it's no secret that constant stress is bad for your mental and physical health, we often focus on finding small ways to lower our day-to-day stress while ignoring our need to take some time off and recharge. Whether we feel bad that our neighbors can't afford a vacation, or that we're needed too much at the office, there are a lot of reasons we may feel guilty about taking a week off. Behavior site Psychology Today reminds us that vacations are an important part of staying healthy, and that we shouldn't feel guilty for taking them (nor should we chide others for doing the same). Hit the link to for tips on creating an optimal stress-killing vacation, and be sure to share your own tips in the comments. Photo by silverfox863. More »

Stress - Mental Health - Health - Support Groups - Management


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Know Your Body's Cooling Spots [Heat Hacks]


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via Lifehacker by Whitson Gordon on 6/24/10

You've probably heard that you can pour water over your wrists or neck to cool off quickly, but we've got the lowdown on all the body's best cooling spots, as well as the most effective ways to use them. More »

Hardware - Components - Business - Health - Conditions and Diseases


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